Juul Lawyer Boca Raton

Did you use previously use the popular e-cigarette Juul? Consider joining the class action lawsuit that accuses Juul of false advertising, deceptive labeling, and illegal marketing. Do you need Juul lawyers in Boca Raton? Here’s what you need to know.

Learn More From Juul Lawyers

Juul contains more nicotine than most other vapes, making it more dangerous and more addictive. The class action lawsuit alleges that Juul didn’t adequately inform consumers of the additional risks. Other ingredients in Juul also pose potential health hazards that the public wasn’t warned about. The company is also accused of not doing enough to prevent those under age from consuming the product and is accused of advertising the product to minors.

Health Impacts of Nicotine

Nicotine is highly addictive, and Juul contains high amounts of this drug. It’s especially addictive in children and contributes to more adverse effects. Some ways that nicotine negatively impacts health include:

  • High blood pressure and high blood sugar
  • May cause ulcers
  • May contribute to heart disease
  • Psychological symptoms, including a negative impact on mood

Potential Health Effects of Juul

A few of the conditions that are inspiring individual cases include:

  • Heart issues
  • Lung damage
  • Nicotine poisoning
  • Popcorn lung
  • Stroke

If you are suffering from a condition related to use of Juul, contact a lawyer to learn about an individual case.

The Juul Addiction Lawsuit Focuses On:

  • Deceptive labeling
  • Illegal marketing to minors
  • Inadequate warning of consumers of the additional health risks of high quantities of nicotine and additives

Bottom line: if you or a minor consumed Juul before November of 2018, you may be eligible to join a class action lawsuit.

Get the Compensation You Deserve With Our Juul Lawyers 

If you or a loved one used Juul whether or not you’ve suffered from Juul-related health issues, you may be entitled to compensation. Talk to a Juul lawyer in Boca Raton today to find out if you are eligible for a class action case or if you should consider an individual case. Call our legal team specializing in mass torts today for a consultation at 561-939-8042 to find out how  to get the compensation you deserve!